


Associate Professor


Academic Areas:  Random dynamical systems

Research Interests: Approximation of invariant sets, Continuous-time Gaussian chann

Academic Degrees

PhD, 2010, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;

Master, 2005, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Bachelor, 2000, Department of Mathematics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Professional Experience

Associate Professor (2017-present); School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;

Postdoctor (2012-2014); Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong;

Lecturer (2010-2017); School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Selected Publications

1. Xianming Liu, Ronit Bustin, Guangyue Han*, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz),  An elementary proof of a classical information-theoretic formula,  IEEE ISIT, 2019.

2. Xianming Liu, Guangyue Han*, On continuous-time Gaussian channels,  Entropy,12(1), pp.1 - 51, 2019.

3. Shahad Al-Azzawi, Jicheng Liu*, Xianming Liu, The synchronization of stochastic differential equations with linear noise, Stochastics and Dynamics,18(6), 1850049,2018

4. Hongbo Fu, Li Wan, Jicheng Liu, Xianming Liu*, Weak order in averaging principle for stochastic wave equation with a fast oscillation, Stochastic Processes and their Applications,128pp2557-2580, 2018

5. Hongbo Fu, Xianming Liu*,Jicheng Liu, Xiangjun Wang, On smooth approximation for random attractor of stochastic partial differential equations with multiplicative noise, Stochastics and Dynamics, 18(5),1850040, 2018

6. Zhongkai Guo, Xingjie Yan*,Weifeng Wang, Xianming Liu, Approximate the dynamical behavior for stochastic systems by Wong-Zakai approaching, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 458, pp214-232, 2018

7. Tao Jiang, Xianming Liu*, Jinqiao. Duan , A Wong-Zakai approximation for random invariant manifolds, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58, 122701, 2017.

8. Xuntian Yan, Xianming Liu*, Meihua Yang, Random attractors of stochastic partial differential equations: a smooth approximation approach, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 35(6). pp 1009-1029. 2017

9. Shahad Al-Azzawi, Jicheng Liu*, Xianming Liu, Convergence rate of synchronization of systems with additive noise Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 222. pp227 - 245. 2017.

10. Tao Jiang, Xianming Liu*, Jinqiao. Duan , Approximation for Random Stable Manifolds under Multiplicative Correlated Noises, Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B , 219. pp3163 - 3174. 2016.

11. Xianming Liu, Guangyue Han* , Recent Results in Continuous-Time Network Information Theory,  IEEE ISIT, pp.2421 - 2425, 2014.

12. Hongbo Fu*,Xianming Liu, Jinqiao Duan, Slow manifolds for multi-time-scale stochastic evolutionary systems, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 139–160,2013

13. Xianming Liu*, Xu Sun, Jinqiao Duan,  A perspectives on dynamical systems under non Gaussian fluctuations .  Progress in some fields of Mathematical Sciences, K.W.. Chang et al eds. pp.83-93. 2011

14. Xianming Liu*, Jinqiao Duan, Jicheng Liu and Peter E. Kloeden, Synchronization of systems of Marcus canonical equations driven by α-stable noises, Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp.3437-3445, 2010

15. Xianming Liu*, Jinqiao Duan,Jicheng Liu and Peter E. Kloeden, Synchronization of dissipative dynamical systems driven by non-Gaussian Levy noises. International Journal of Stochastic Analysis ,Volume 2010, Article ID 502803.

Courses Taught


Probability Theory and Statistics

Random Dynamical Systems


National Natural Science Foundation of China11301197, Invariant manifolds of dynamical system driven by non-Gaussian noise, 2014/01—2016/12

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