Academic Areas: Stochastic Dynamic System
Research Interests: Stability, Approimate Analysis
Academic Degrees
PhD,2006, School of Statistics and Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Master,1997, Department of Mathematics, Hubei University, Wuhan, China.
Bachelor, 1994, Department of Mathematics, Hubei Normal University Huangshi, China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2014-present); School of Statistics and Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Lecturer (2000-2014); School of Statistics and Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
1. Shaobo Zhou, Chaozhu Hu, Numerical approximation of stochastic differential delay equation with coefficients of polynomial growth,Calcolo 54(1)(2017) 1-22.
2.Zhou Shaobo, Jin Hai, Strong convergence of implicit numerical methods for nonlinear stochastic functional differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 324 (2017) 241–257.
3. Shaobo Zhou, Yangzi Hu, Numerical approximation for nonlinear stochastic pantograph equations with Markovian switching, Applied Mathematics and Computation 286(5)(2016)126-138.
4. Shaobo Zhou, Exponential stability of numerical solution to neutral stochastic functional differential equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 266 (2015) 441–461.
5. Shaobo Zhou,Strong convergence and stability of backward Euler–Maruyama scheme for highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential delay equation, Calcolo 52(4) (2015) 445-473.
7.Shaobo Zhou, Xue Minggao,Wu Fuke, Robustness of Hybrid Neutral Differential
Systems Perturbed by Noise, Jrl syst. Sci .& complexity, 2014,27(6)1138-1157.
8. Shaobo Zhou, Almost surely exponential stability of numerical solutions forstochastic pantograph equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 751209, 10 page.
9.Zhoushaobo,Songfa Xie, Fangzheng, Almost surely exponential stability of the Backward Euler- Maruyama discretization for highly nonlinear stochastic functional differential equation,AppliedMathematicsandComputation236(2014)150-160.
10.Shaobo Zhou, Minggao Xue,Exponential stability for nonlinear hybrid stochastic pantograph equations and numerical approximation, Acta Mathematisa Scientia,34(2014)1254-1270.
11. 周少波,徐晟,数学教师在大学生德育中的作用探析,思想政治教育导刊,2013,11:106-108.
13.Zhou shaobo, Fang Zheng,Numerical approximation of nonlinear neutral stochastic functional differential equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
14.Shaobo Zhou, Shigeng Hu, Liqun Cen. Stochastic Kolmogorov-type system with infinite delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2011) 207–218.
15.Shaobo Zhou,Minggao Xue, Shigeng Hu. Noise suppresses exponential growth for neutral stochastic differential delay equations. Journal of the Franklin Institute,2011, 348: 853–864.
16.Minggao Xue,Shaobo Zhou, Hu Shigeng. Stability of nonlinear neutral stochastic functional differential equations. J. Applied Mathematics,Volume 2010, ArticleID 425762, 26 pages,doi:10.1155/2010/425762.
17.Zhou Shaobo, Wang Zhiyong, Stochastic functional differentialequations with infinite delay.Journal of Mathemaics Analysis andApplication357(2009)416-426.
18. Zhou Shaobo,Hu Shigeng. Razumikhin-type theorems of neutral stochastic functional differential equations. Acta Mathematisa Scientia,2009,29:181-190.
19.Zhou Shaobo,Wu Fuke.Convergence of numerical solutions to neutral stochastic delay differential equation with Markovian switching. Journal of Computation Mathematics and application,2009,229(1):85-96.
20.Zhou shaobo, Hu Shigeng. Stability Analysis of Two-Sectors Stochastic EconomicGrowth Model. Journal of System Science and Complexity, 2007,20:1-8.
1.Outstanding academic paper award in Hubei Province (Third Prize) (2010)
2.Young teachers teaching competition in Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Second Prize)(2006)
3.The quality of teaching excellence award in in Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Second Prize)(2013,2014,2007.2008)
Courses Taught
Linear Algebra
Probability Theory
Stochastic Differential Equation
Mathematics Physical Equation and Special Functions
Complex Variable Functions and Integral Transformation