

Research Interests: Number Theory, Special Functions.

Academic Degrees

PhD, 2007, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Illinois, IL, U.S.

MS, 1999, Dept. of Mathematics, Tsinghua University, China

Bachelor, 1996, Dept. of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Professional Experience

Assistant Professor (2010-present); School of Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;

Selected Publications

1. Zhu Cao and Yong Hu, "On rational matrix exact covering systems of Zn and its applications to Ramanujan’s forty identities", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 446 (2017) 322–334.

2. Yong Hu, “On the Distribution of Integers with Divisors in Two Consecutive Intervals”, Int. J. Number Theory, 2013 vol 9. No.4.

3. Kevin Ford and Yong Hu, “Divisors of the Euler and Carmichael functions”, Acta Arithmetica, 2008.

Courses Taught

Linear Algebra, Calculus.

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